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Total Rehabilitation Circle

What is a “Total Rehabilitation Circle” and how is it different from regular rehabilitation?

Extensive research has proven that there is a direct correlation between a person’s mental and physical conditions. Prolonged stress, anxiety, trauma, worries, uncertainties, tensions and pressures – all have a profound impact on our physical health. Emotional burden, lack of sleep, sporadic eating, and other common characteristics which are prevalent in the modern way of life, may bring about physical uneasiness, agitation, various physical symptoms and even systemic failures in the body. The systemic body failure, in the medical world, is a condition that is defined as – a disease.

Integrative medicine delivers direct attention to these unprocessed emotional and mental ailments thereby making the complicated and excruciating physical treatments much more endurable and efficient. 

Medical Care Integrative Rehabilitation Center is the first hospital in Israel to put emphasis on a Total Rehabilitation Circle for all patients, including advanced medical treatments, physical rehabilitation and comprehensive medication as needed, and at the same time, also provision of deep and major attention to the core mental and emotional base of the illness, as it is manifested in the lives of the patients and their family members, using the innovative InHeal approach.

When it comes to seniors in our community, the transition from independence and functionality to dependence and disability is traumatic and very distressing. A person who suddenly needs rehabilitation often suffers from subsequent conditions such as anxiety and emotional strain. This is a shift that also deeply effects the caretakers. That is why it is not enough to pay attention solely to the physical aspect of the disease. Patients and their families need our assistance in gathering all of their energies and power into their recovery. They need to be able to retain will, motivation and spirit to get better,” says Mr. Shauli Yaniv Paz, CEO of Medical Care. “When there is a lack of emotional motivation to undergo rehabilitation, and a lack of connection to one’s purpose in life, it is almost impossible to engage a suffering person to commit to rehabilitation. This is why we put our emphasis on the emotional and the spiritual processes as well as the physical ones, so that the patients may succeed in connecting to their inner motivation to regain their previous active and positive lives.”

In Medical Care we follow a treatment protocol which is focused on our patients’ emotional needs just as strongly as it is focused on their physical needs. We provide them with emotional empowerment tools and techniques, using the InHeal Method. These help them achieve emotional regulation, stress balancing, and the ability to manage and stay on top of all their emotional and mental challenges, which when unattended and unprocessed may harm their physical and emotional health and functionality.

“we deeply believe that the processing of emotional and mental complications experienced by all parties: patients, family and professional staff, is crucial on all levels. All of these people experience deep emotional stress due to regular exposure to harsh and challenging human situations during the therapeutic process. Attending to their emotional, mental and spiritual experiences has been proven to dramatically increase chances of success and endurance, as well as the patients’ serenity and inner peace,” says Shauli Yaniv Paz, CEO of Medical Care.

Empowering workshops and emotional therapy sessions using the InHeal Method, have been successfully implemented and provided for several years now. Experience has proven than they enable deep emotional processing, emotional regulation and balancing, and motivational empowerment, all of which are vital in supporting difficult rehabilitation processes.

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