
The ward of Rehabilitation – will be open soon

Dr. Tamara Brauner

Ward of Rehabilitation Manager

יולי טריגר


Professional manager for the establishment of the rehabilitation system

The rehabilitation Ward is the heart and soul of Medical Care Rehabilitative Center. Within this Ward, patients receive their integrative rehabilitative treatments aimed at healing them physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our main goal is to help our patients regain lost functional capabilities and to enable them to achieve an optimal quality of life, physically, cognitively and emotionally. 

The rehabilitative course of therapy is individually tailored to each patient’s needs and conditions, and is managed by the best and finest specialists in their field. The treatments are integrative, advanced and technology assisted. Integrating the InHeal process into the rehabilitation protocol provides patients with emotional tools that empower them in handling their trauma, disease or medical condition, supports their motivation to succeed, and therefore, raises probabilities and actual rates of success.

Relatives of patients also experience extreme difficulties in adapting to their loved ones’ new situations. In Medical Care we believe that the emotional support we provide to family members is an integral part of the therapeutic circle. The personal support provided enables them to make peace with the new circumstances, to provide quality care to their relatives and at the same time to maintain their own well being, and to manage their emotions in a positive way.

Advanced Multidisciplinary Care

Patients in the rehabilitative Ward receive their course of therapy under an advanced multidisciplinary approach. This approach integrates nursing, medical and emotional care provided around the clock, in a rehabilitative process designed to help patients retrieve lost capabilities due to trauma or disease.

The holistic rehabilitative process integrates therapies from multiple disciplines:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Rehabilitative psychology
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Therapeutic occupation 
  • Music therapy
  • Nursing
  • Social work
  • Reflexology
  • Acupuncture
  • Resilience workshops
  • Group dynamics for close family members, for emotional ventilation
  • Meditation and guided imagery 
  • Story telling
  • Medical massage
  • Breathing techniques 
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Access Bars mind body therapy
  • Healing 

A para-medical multidisciplinary team of specialists provides all patients with the therapies they need in order to maintain their cognitive and motor capabilities, thereby improving their well being and their quality of life.

All of our team members are personally familiar with the patients, and any signs of distress are immediately attended to. Doctors and other staff members are all professional, extremely experienced, and fully dedicated to ease patients’ agony, and to maintain their dignity at all times, in all situations.

Visiting hours between the hours: 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00.

For further information, please fill out the form and one of our representatives will contact you shortly. Thank you

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