Occupational therapy is one of a wide array of para-medical professions offered to patients in Medical Care. Occupational therapy is an integral part of the rehabilitative process which patients undergo during their stay. The goal is to enable patients regain high functional abilities and independence as much as possible, beginning with basic everyday activities, through complex functional challenges, all in order to improve their quality of life and personal well-being.

Rehabilitative services are provided after a thorough diagnosis of the patients, followed by a determination of their goals, objectives and course of therapy, according to their medical status, and the rate of their progress. As needed, therapy may be focused on a specific discipline, for instance, cognitive, motoric, sensory, behavioral or functional training, or it may include several disciplines combined.

The treatment is provided to all patients in all departments. In the frame of occupational therapy treatments, patients will also enjoy occupational and leisure activities by provided by occupational counselors in the various departments. 

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