Physiotherapy treatments provided are vital to each and every patient, regardless of their medical condition. The physiotherapy ward in Medical Care Rehabilitation center offers its services to patients from the various departments, whether they are young or old, independent or care-dependent.

Upon admission, our patients undergo a thorough examination to determine a rehabilitation program which is suited specifically for their needs. All treatments are provided by a team of accredited and experienced therapists. All of our staff receive regular training and a wide variety of workshops throughout the year, including physiotherapy oriented mental health care.

All physiotherapy treatments are given in a new, modern and spacious studio, which is equipped with all the latest and most advanced equipment including fitness and exercise tools, virtual reality and more.

Nursing and Complex Nursing patients

Treatment is provided to patients in varying medical conditions, after suffering a decline in their physical and functional statuses, as a result of a wide range of reasons and circumstances. Often, these are conditions which involve a decline or injury in several bodily systems. Often, patients are admitted for long periods of time due to their need of clinical supervision and personal nursing assistance.

All treatments are provided in the physiotherapy studio or in the personal rooms, depending on the patients’ situation.

Physiotherapists in this department have a diverse range of multidisciplinary responsibilities including:

For further information, please fill out the form and one of our representatives will contact you shortly. Thank you

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